Friday 24 October 2014

How not to upset your potential makeup artist/hairstylist...

It usually takes an awful lot to upset or anger an experienced wedding makeup artist or hairstylist to the point they are happy not to receive your business. To ensure that this does not happen to you please check out my top tips.

Understand what your budget can afford by doing some research

There are hundreds of extremely talented makeup artists out there and thanks to the internet they are only a click away. Use search engines, speak to friends and check out wedding blogs and forums for peoples recommendations to find out who is in your area, once you have found a couple that you like it is important to take the time to look at their websites. Before you make initial contact by asking for a detailed quote it is important that you understand what services and value they offer so you can narrow down your search based on what your budget can afford and the value they offer. If you still cannot decide once you have a few quotes ask any questions that you feel you still need answering, this will hopefully give you an idea of who you are most drawn to.

DON'T ask them why they are more expensive than the makeup artist on facebook who is constantly posting selfies and doesn't have any pictures to show her work. If you have done your research you shouls already know the answer to this question so it is likely that this will be seen as highly offensive and asking questions that are not very well thought out will not end well.

If you don't get the discount you asked for, don't take it personally

Some makeup artists will offer discounts but don't expect everyone to do the same. Generally, the more popular the makeup artist is the less likely you are to get a discount as they know that if you don't book with them they will have no trouble filling the booking with someone else. That said, there is absolutely no harm in asking - just don't be offended if they say no. You are the one that decides whether to book with them or not so if your budget will not stretch that far, either figure out a way to make it work or book with someone else who will give you the best that you can afford.

Let's face it, you don't get angry at the expensive car dealership down the road because you can't afford that Bentley when other people are driving around in them and it is a similar situation with wedding vendors. You may not be able to afford the most expensive makeup artist but you shouldn't settle for anything less than the best that you can afford.

Whatever you do, please don't threaten us

Unfortunately it happens a lot more often than you would think. You open your emails to be greeted with "Well, the woman up the road said she can do me and my mum for £50 including a trial. I'd really like you to do it but I don't understand why you are so much more expensive, can you do it for the same price? I've already spent loads on everything else so I'd really appreciate it" or "If you give me a 20% discount I will tell all my friends about you so they will hire you for their weddings too, if not I'll go with someone else and you won't get as much work."

I can't speak for everyone else but personally the only thing these emails achieve is winding me up. It's fairly simple, if you want to recommend me for doing a great job to anyone you know that is getting married, you will. If you want to go somewhere else because they are cheaper then you should. If you have gone over your initial budget and now can't afford everything you want it is not our fault, you just need to reassess what is more important to you and re-budget. Please remember that we are running a business and not a charity.

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